Empowering Communities. Changing Lives.
Join us in amplifying the National Urban League, helping African Americans and other underserved urban African Americans and other underserved communities to secure economic self-reliance, parity, power and civil rights. Together, we can unlock donations and make a tangible difference, driving both social impact and growth for your brand.
About the National Urban League
Founded in 1910, the National Urban League is the leading civil rights organization dedicated to economic empowerment, equality, and social justice. Through our national operations and the Urban League Movement of 92 Affiliates in 36 states and the District of Columbia, we connect over 3.8 million people annually to opportunities in workforce development and entrepreneurship, education and youth development, housing, health, and civic engagement and equitable justice.
National Urban League's Work
For over a century, the National Urban League and Urban League Affiliates Movement have led the fight for justice, opportunity, and equity for all. Through our advocacy, policy research, and direct services on a national, state, and local level in over 300 communities across the country, we work to Defend Democracy, Demand Diversity, and Defeat Poverty.
We imagine a world with no equity gaps. Specifically, we envision:
For every American to have access to jobs with a living wage and good benefits.

For every American to live in safe, decent, affordable, and energy efficient housing on fair terms.

For every American child is ready for college, work, and life.

For every American to have an equal right and responsibility to fully participate in our democracy and civic process.

For every American to have access to quality and affordable health care solutions.

For more information visit: Urban League Fights for You | National Urban League (nul.org)